Gruha Jyothi Scheme 2025: Apply, Track Status & Get Free Electricity

The Gruha Jyothi Scheme is a welfare initiative announced by the Government of Karnataka during the 2023 state elections. It is one of the five guarantee schemes promised by the Karnataka government. Following the Congress party’s victory in the state elections, this was the first scheme to be implemented in July 2023, with the aim of reducing the financial burden on families by providing free electricity of up to 200 units per month to residential households across the state.

If you are looking to register for the Gruha Jyothi Scheme, track your application status, or understand how the free units are calculated, we have provided complete details below. Additionally, we’ve answered the most frequently asked questions by citizens to help you better understand the scheme.

Highlights of the Scheme

Scheme NameGruha Jyothi Scheme
Implemented ByGovernment Of Karnataka
Concerned DepartmentEnergy Department
Implemented ThroughSeva Sindhu Guarantee Schemes Portal
Initiation Date1st August 2023
BenefitsFree electricity up to 200 units per month
Scheme Status (Active or Discontinued)Active
Application ModeOnline and offline
Last DateNo last date
Official Website

Objective of the Scheme

The primary objective of the Gruha Jyothi Scheme is to reduce the financial burden of electricity costs on Karnataka residents. By providing up to 200 units of free electricity monthly, the scheme not only offers electricity bill relief but also promotes energy saving, as consumers are encouraged to use electricity within the given maximum limit to receive zero electricity charges. This, in turn, has the potential to promote environmental sustainability in the state, as consumers may adopt more energy efficient habits to stay within this limit.

Latest Updates on the Gruha Jyothi Scheme 2025

With no application deadline and a simple registration process through the Seva Sindhu portal, the scheme has received an overwhelming response, with over 1.5 crore+ families registered as of February 2025, according to data from the Seva Sindhu portal (

When the scheme initially started in July 2023, the state government set up guidelines and observed the challenges and changes that needed to be made. Based on these observations, some guidelines have been revised, as listed below:

  • Families consuming less than 50 units of electricity per month will now receive an additional flat 10 units of free power.
  • The Gruha Jyothi Delink facility has been provided to help families who have shifted houses. This allows them to delink their old application and re-enroll into the scheme.
  • For the year 2025, even though the applicable previous financial year is 2023-24, only the average units of the financial year 2022-23 are being considered for calculating the entitlement units.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the benefits of the Gruha Jyothi Scheme, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • The applicant must be a permanent resident of Karnataka.
  • The average monthly electricity consumption in the past 12 months (for the financial year 2022-23) must not exceed 200 units to qualify for the scheme.
  • The scheme is applicable only to electricity meter connections using for domestic or residential purposes.
  • Both APL and BPL ration card holders are eligible to avail of up to 200 units of free electricity.

Ineligibility Criteria

The following are not eligible for the Gruha Jyothi Scheme:

  • Applicants whose average monthly electricity consumption in the past 12 months (for the financial year 2022-23) exceeds 200 units.
  • Meter connections used for commercial purposes are not eligible.

Documents Required

For Gruha Jyothi Scheme Registration, the following documents are required:

  • An Aadhaar Card, issued by the Government of India, is mandatory. (The mobile number must be linked to Aadhaar to receive the Aadhaar authentication OTP)
  • Consumer ID or Account ID from the ESCOM electricity bill.

How to apply for the Gruha Jyothi Scheme? 

Residents of Karnataka can apply for the Gruha Jyothi Scheme either online through the Seva Sindhu Guarantee Schemes portal or offline. Below is a step-by-step guide for each process:

Online Process

Step 1: Go to the Seva Sindhu Guarantee Schemes Portal at

Step 2: Click on the “Gruha Jyothi” option and select the first link titled with Click here for Gruha Jyothi registration / ಗೃಹ ಜ್ಯೋತಿ ಯೋಜನೆ ನೋಂದಣಿಗೆ ಇಲ್ಲಿ ಕ್ಲಿಕ ಮಾಡಿ.

Step 3: Select your preferred language (English or Kannada) to proceed.

Karnataka Gruha Jyothi Scheme Online Application

Step 4: Select your ESCOM (Electricity Supply Company) from the drop-down menu. Enter your Account ID or Consumer ID, found on your electricity bill. The system will then automatically fetch the account holder’s name and address from the ESCOM database.

Step 5: Specify Occupancy Type, Choose from the following options:

  • Owner: If you are the house owner with the electricity meter registered in your name.
  • Tenant: If you are residing in a rented house, and the meter is in the land owner’s name.
  • Family Member: If the meter is registered in the name of a family member (e.g., parent or grandparent).

Step 6: Provide your Aadhaar number, the system will auto-fill your name as per UIDAI and then enter your mobile number. (Tip: Tenants staying in rented houses can apply using their Aadhaar Card, even if the electricity meter is in the property owner’s name.)

Step 7: Accept the declaration, complete the captcha, and click “Submit”. An acknowledgment will be generated, print it for your future reference.

Offline Process

To register for the Gruha Jyothi Scheme offline, citizens can visit the following offices or agencies along with their Aadhaar card and electricity bill:

  • Nearby ESCOM office
  • Karnataka One
  • Grama One
  • Bangalore One
  • Bapuji Seva Kendra
  • Seva Sindhu Service Center
  • Cyber Cafes (as the application is accessible to all)
Also Read: Gruha Jyothi Delink or Cancellation 2025

How to Track Gruha Jyothi Application Status?

To check the status of your Gruha Jyothi Scheme application:

Step 1: Visit the Guarantee Schemes Portal.

Step 2: Click on the “Track Your Application Status/ನಿಮ್ಮ ಅರ್ಜಿಯ ಸ್ಥಿತಿಯನ್ನು ತಿಳಿಯಿರಿ” option.

Step 3: Select your ESCOM name and enter Account/Consumer ID.

Karnataka Gruha Jyothi Scheme Application Status

Step 4: Click the “Check Status” button to view your Gruha Jyothi application progress.

How to Reprint Gruha Jyothi Acknowledgment?

If you lose the acknowledgment or do not receive it after applying:

Step 1: Visit the Gruha Jyothi Acknowledgment Reprint/ಸ್ವೀಕೃತಿ ಮರುಮುದ್ರಣ Page.

Step 2: Select your ESCOM and input your Account/Consumer ID.

Karnataka Gruha Jyothi Scheme Acknowledgement Reprint or Download

Step 3: Click on the “Download Acknowledgment” button to retrieve a copy.

How the Entitlement Units are Calculated for Gruha Jyothi?

This is one of the most common questions asked by citizens. Let’s see how entitlement units are calculated using an actual electricity bill of a Gruha Jyothi beneficiary. We will break down the bill into three sections, each marked with different colors for easy understanding.

If you have registered for Gruha Jyothi and your application is approved, you will see a separate section for Gruha Jyothi details in your electricity bill, as shown in the image below. Let’s take a look at what each term in this section indicates:

Key Terms in Your Electricity Bill:

  1. Gruha Jyothi Reg. Dt: This is the date on which your Gruha Jyothi application was received by your ESCOM (Electricity Supply Company).
  2. Average (FY22-23): This is the average number of units consumed in the financial year 2022-23. In this case, the average consumption is 52 units.
  3. Entitlement Units: These are the maximum units you can use to receive a zero electricity bill. It is calculated as follows:
    • Entitlement Units = Monthly average units consumed from April 2022 to March 2023 + 10% increase.
    • In this example, the average units consumed is 52, and the 10% increase is 5.2. Therefore, the total entitlement units come to (52+5.2)= 57.2, which is rounded off to 57 units.
  4. Units Consumed: These are the actual units of electricity consumed by the family.
  5. Chargeable Units: These are the units you need to pay for, calculated as (Chargeable Units = Units Consumed – Entitlement Units).

Special Note on Calculations:

  • For new households or meters with no prior usage data for FY 2022-23, the government provides a default average of 50 units plus a 10% increase, resulting in 55 units of free electricity per month.
  • For households with average consumption of less than 50 units in FY 2022-23, the formula for entitlement units is:
    • Entitlement Units = Monthly average units consumed from April 2022 to March 2023 + 10 flat units.

How to Get a Zero Electricity Bill & In Which Scenarios You Need to Pay the Bill?

Scenario 1Units Consumed is Equal to or Less Than Entitlement Unitsyour bill will be zero.
Scenario 2Units Consumed is More Than Entitlement Units but Less Than 200 Unitsyou need to pay for the units that exceed the entitlement units.
Scenario 3Units Consumed is More Than Entitlement Units and Exceeds 200 Unitsyou need to pay the full bill.

Gruha Jyothi Helpline Number

For any queries regarding the Gruha Jyothi Scheme, residents can contact the helpline at:

  • Phone: 08022279954, 8792662814, 8792662816

Alternatively, you can contact your nearby ESCOM office.

We hope we have provided complete details about the Gruha Jyothi Scheme. If you still have any questions, please refer to the FAQ section below. If your query is not listed, feel free to comment below.


  1. Is there a deadline to apply for the Karnataka Gruha Jyothi Scheme?

    No, there is no specified deadline for applying.

  2. Can tenants apply if the meter is in the owner’s name?

    Yes, tenants can apply using their own Aadhaar card, even if the meter is in the owner’s name.

  3. What if my electricity bill is in my late father’s name?

    When applying for the scheme, select the occupancy type as ‘Family Member’ and proceed with the application.

  4. I’m getting a ‘Your account ID is duplicated’ error while applying for the Gruha Jyothi scheme

    This means that your account ID is already linked to another Aadhaar card under the Gruha Jyothi Scheme. You must first delink the existing Aadhaar and then reapply using your own Aadhaar, if needed.

  5. I’m getting a ‘Your Aadhaar is duplicated’ error while applying for the Gruha Jyothi scheme.

    This means that your Aadhaar is already linked to an electricity meter under the Gruha Jyothi Scheme. If you don’t know which meter your Aadhaar is linked to, you must use the delink form to remove your Aadhaar from the existing meter and then reapply for the scheme.

  6. I have applied for Gruha Jyothi, but I’m still receiving the bill, and the status shows “Your application is sent for ESCOM”. What should I do?

    Once you submit your application for Gruha Jyothi, it will be approved within one month. Please note that if you apply in the current month, the scheme benefits will begin from the following next month.

  7. In 2025, will the average units of FY 2023-24 be considered to calculate entitlement units?

    No, as of now, the average units of FY 2022-23 are only being considered by the Energy Department.

13 thoughts on “Gruha Jyothi Scheme 2025: Apply, Track Status & Get Free Electricity”

  1. I have purchased a house from another person and got my name changed in the electricity bill. However, when I try to apply for Gruha jyothi online, the name of the earlier owner is displayed. I am unable to edit it. Pl guide

  2. Hello Arjun,
    Thank you making this platform so user-friendly.

    Is checking on the Sevasindhu portal the only way to know the status of our application, or would we also be intimated via email and/or message?

    • No, you will not be notified via email or message upon approval of your application. If your application is approved, you will begin to see Gruha Jyothi details in your electricity bill.


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